Bound Prepositions : Adjective + Preposition Dan Pola Kalimat

Definisi dari adjective + preposition yakni kata sifat (adjective) yang dalam penggunaannya selalu diikuti oleh kata depan (preposition) secara permanen dan merupakan hukum yang sudah baku. Adjective preposition yakni anggota dari bound preposition (preposisi terikat) menyerupai halnya verb + preposition yang sudah kita pelajari sebelumnya.
 yang dalam penggunaannya selalu diikuti oleh kata depan  Bound Prepositions : Adjective + Preposition dan Contoh Kalimat
Berikut ini yakni daftar preposition yang terikat dengan adjective (kata sifat)

a. Adjectives + Preposition (of)

Adjective + Preposition


Afraid of

Takut akan

Ashamed of

Merasa malu

Aware of

Sadar, berpengetahuan

Capable of (in)

Pandai, cakap

Critical of

Bersifat mengkritik

Fond of

Penuh kasih sayang

Full of


Glad of


Jealous of


Proud of


Tired of


Ahead of

Di depan , maju

Careful of (with)

Hati-hati, teliti, sekseama

Certain of

Pasti, yakin

Conscious of

Sadar, disengaja, disadari

Envious of

Penuh iri

Guilty of

Merasa bersalah

Ignorant of

Kurang pengetahuan

Independent of

Merdeka, bebas, mandiri

Short of

Pendek, singkat, kekurangan

Shy of

Pemalu, malu

Sure of


Worthy of


Tolerant of

Bersikap toleransi

Positive of

Tidak meragukan

Innocent of

Tidak berdosa, lugu

Bored of


Scared of

Contoh kalimat :
1. He is afraid of the dog (Dia takut anjing)
2. she is very fond of her cat (Dia sangat penuh kasih sayang terhadap kucingnya)
3. We are glad of your success (Kami bangga atas kesuksesanmu)
4. I feel certain of that matter (Saya merasa yakin dengan problem itu)
5. She is very critical of everyone (Dia sangat kritis terhadap setiap orang)
6. Many people were short of food during the war (Banyak orang kekurangan makanan selama perang)

b. Adjectives + Preposition (for)

Adjective + Preposition


Sorry for

Menyesal akan

Eager for


Enough for


Famous for


Good for

Baik, bagus

Fit for


Grateful for

Berterima kasih, bersyukur

Qualified for

Cakap, ahli, mampu

Ready for


Responsible for

Bertanggung jawab

Sufficient for


Thankful for

Berterima kasih, bersyukur

Valid for

Sah, resmi

Suitable for

Cocok, sesuai

Necessary for

Contoh kalimat :
1. He was sorry for what he did ( Dia menyesal akan apa yang beliau lakukan)
2. Milk is good for healt (Susu baik untuk kesehatan)
3. We were very grateful to you for your help (Aku sangat berterima kasih kepadamu atas bantuanmu)
4. They are ready for the game (Mereka siap untuk permainan)
5. It is not necessary for our experiment (Ini tidak penting untuk percobaan kami)
6. Edison was famous for his invention (Edison populer akan penemuannya)

c. Adjectives + Preposition(with)

Adjective + Preposition


Angry with

Marah kepada

Busy with


Consistent with


Content with


Familiar with

Yang sudah kenal, akrab

Identical with


Patient with


Popular with

Populer, terkenal

Delighted with


Pleased with


Satisfied with


Gentle with

Contoh kalimat :
1. She gets angry with me (Dia murka kepadaku)
2. Jane is busy with her homework (Jane sibuk dengan PRnya)
3. He is very gentle with children (Dia sangat lemah lembut terhadap anak-anak)
4. The teacher is patient with her students (Guru itu sabar terhadap murid-muridnya)
5. We are pleased with your success (Kami senang dengan keberhasilanmu)
6. The students were satisfied with the examination result (Murid-murid puas dengan hasil ulangan)

d. Adjectives + preposition (at)

Adjective + Preposition


Clever at

Pandai dalam

Bad at

Tidak baik, jelek

Good at

Baik, bagus

Efficient at

Berdaya guna

Expert at

Mahir, ahli

Quick at


Slow at

Lambat, pelan, lamban

Astonished at

Takjub, heran
Contoh kalimat :
1. The boy is clever at Mathematics (Anak itu cendekia dalam Matematika)
2. My sister is very bad at English (Kakakku sangat buruk bahasa Inggrisnya)
3. He is good at playing tennis (Dia bagus dalam bermain tenis)
4. The doctor is expert at (in) plastic surgery (Dokter itu hebat dalam operasi plastik)
5. She is very slow at doing her work (Dia sangat lambat dalam mengerjakan Prnya)
6. The new secretary is efficient at her work (Sekretaris gres itu berdaya guna dalam pekerjaannya)

e. Adjectives + Preposition (to)

Adjective + Preposition


Similar to

Sama, mirip, serupa dengan

Anxious to

Resah, gelisah, cemas

Attentive to

Penuh perhatian

Contrary to


Equal to

Sama dengan

Faithful to


Generous to

Dermawan, murah hati

Kind to

Baik hati

Polite to


Rude to

Tidak sopan, kasar

Sensitive to

Peka, gampang tersinggung

Obedient to

Patuh, penurut

Useful to


Close to

Dekat, akrab, karib

Cruel to


Dear to


Fatal to

Yang menjadikan kematian

Harmful to


Indefferent to

Acuh tak acuh, tidak memihak, netral

Interior to

Yang ada di dalam

Liable to

Bertanggung jawab

New to


Obvious to

Jelas, nyata

Previous to


Acceptable to

Dapat diterima

Beneficial to


Essential to

Perlu sekali

Friendly to


Hostile to

Tidak ramah

Painful to

Sakit, pilu, menyakitkan

Partial to


Preferable to

Lebih disukai

Reluctant to

Segan, enggan
Contoh kalimat :
1. Your dictionary is similar to mine (Kamusmu menyerupai dengan kamus milikku)
2. I am anxious to going with her (Aku gelisah pergi dengannya)
3. He is attentive to every pretty girl (Dia perhatian kepada setiap gadis cantik)
4. She is always faithful to her husband (Dia selalu setia kepada suaminya)
5. That anjuran is not acceptable to us (Proposal itu tidak sanggup diterima oleh kami)
6. We should not be so sensitivite to criticism (Kita tidak seharusnya begitu gampang tersinggung terhadap kritikan)

f. Adjectives + Preposition (from)

Adjective + Preposition


Different from

Berbeda dengan

Absent from

Tidak hadir

Away from


Far from


Remote from


Resulting from

Yang diakibatkan

Safe from


Distinct from

Contoh kalimat :
1. Your opinion is different from me (Pendapatmu berbeda denganku)
2. I was absent from class yesterday because of illnes (Saya tidak hadir di kelas alasannya sakit)
3. They were safe from danger (Mereka kondusif dari bahaya)
4. I want to be away from this place for a few days (Saya ingin jauh dari kawasan ini untuk beberapa hari)
5. The fire was resulting from fireworks (Api diakibatkan dari kembang api)

g. Adjectives + preposition (in)

Adjective + Preposition


Successful in

Berhasil dalam

Deficient in

Kurang, tidak cukup

Fortunate in

Beruntung, mujur, membawa keberuntungan

Honest in


Proficient in


Skillful in

Ahli, mahir

Weak in

Contoh kalimat :
1. They are successful in their planning (Mereka berhasil dalam rencananya)
2. He is deficient in general knowledge (Dia kurang dalam ilmu pengetahuan umum)
3. You are fortunate in getting that position (Kamu beruntung mendapat posisi itu)
4. Our English teacher is very proficient in grammar (Guru bahasa Inggris kita sangat hebat dalam grammar)
5. He is quite honest in everything (Dia agak jujur dalam segala sesuatu)
6. The man is skillful in painting (Pria itu hebat dalam melukis)

h. Adjectives + preposition (about)

Adjective + Preposition


Happy about

Bahagia dengan

Careful about

Hati-hati, teliti, seksama

Curious about

Ingin tahu

Doubtful about

Yang merasa ragu-ragu

Enthusiastic about


Sad about


Worried about

Cemas, khawatir

Uneasy about

Contoh kalimat :
1. We are very happy about your promotion (Kami sangat senang dengan promosi anda)
2. You must be very careful about what you say to him (Kamu harus sangat berhati-hati wacana apa yang kau katakan padanya)
3. He is not enthusiastic about his job (Dia tidak bersemangat terhadap pekerjaannya)
4. She is always doubtful about everything she does (Dia selalu ragu-ragu terhadap segala sesuatu yang beliau kerjakan)
5. We are sad about his failure (Kami duka atas kegagalannya)
6. We are worried about their condition (Kami khawatir dengan kondisi mereka)

Demikianlah pembahasan wacana Bound Prepositions : Adjective + Preposition dan Contoh Kalimat yang bisa saya bagikan.
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