Soal Question Tags, Soal Online Bahasa Inggris Dan Tanggapan

Masih semangat kan berguru Bahasa Inggrisnya? Harus semangat dong, sebab bahasa Inggris ialah Bahasa Internasional yang dipelajari di semua jenjang mulai dari sekolah dasar, menengah, dan perguruan tinggi tinggi bahkan oleh kalangan umum. Nah, pada kesempatan kali ini, abang admin ingin mengajak kalian semua untuk berguru Question Tags.

Dan berikut ini Soal Question Tags, Soal Online Bahasa Inggris. Soal ini berupa kuis atau tes online bahasa Inggris yang mana kalian sanggup pribadi menjawab soal dengan cara mengklik bulatan di depan balasan yang kalian anggap paling benar. Jika balasan kalian benar atau salah pun, skor akan pribadi ditampilkan otomatis. Skor untuk satu soal ialah 5. Total skor bila semua balasan benar ialah 100.
Masih semangat kan berguru Bahasa Inggrisnya Soal Question Tags, Soal Online Bahasa Inggris dan Jawaban

Tes Online "Question Tags"
Petunjuk: klik lingkaran yang ada di depan balasan yang benar. Poin untuk satu soal ialah 5

1. The students read some English books, ....?
did they
weren't they
aren't they
don't they

2. I am not so fat as you, ....?
are you
am I
aren't you
aren't I

3. Luna can't speak Javanese, ....?
could she
can she
does she
is she

4. You will help me later, ....?
do you
don't you
will you
won't you

5. ...., do they?
Dino and Doni always come on time
Angga and we don't like drinking coffee
You and me never come to school late
Our cats don't like eating fruit

6. Aliando can't sing the song, .... he?

7. My brother is not so clever as me, ....?
are you
isn't he
is he
does he

8. Those boys are not good students, ....?
are we
are they
aren't they
do they

9. Andi : "Tomorrow is Sunday, ....? Shall we go to Jatim Park?"
   Budi : "Yes, that's a good idea."
is it
does it
isn't it
doesn't it

10. Mr. Rizal visits Bali twice a month, ....?
isn't he
doesn't he
didn't he
does he

11. Yesterday, you ate my fried rice, ....?
don't you
aren't you
did you
didn't you

12. Nando never come on time, ....?
never he
doesn't he
does he
didn't he

13. It could be finished, ....?
couldn't it
couldn't be it
couldn't it be
is it

14. Afgan said to Rosa : "Sing a song for me, will you?"
It means ....
Iyou will sing a song for Afgan
Rosa is asked to sing a song for Afgan
Afgan will sing a song for Rosa
Afgan is asked to sing a song for Rosa

15. There was a handsome man in this room, ....?
wasn't it
wasn't there
was there
didn't there

16. Vina and I have breakfast, ....?
haven't they
don't we
haven't we
don't they

17. The third year students went on a trip to Bnadung, ....?
don't they
didn't they
did they
do they

18. My father has a lot of jobs to finish, ....?
don't he
has he
does he
doesn't he

19. The children were playing volley ball in the yard, ....?
were they
weren't the children
were the children
weren't they

20. Do you have to do it yourself?
Bentuk lain yang sama artinya ialah ....
You have to do it yourself, do you?
You have to do it yourself, have you?
You have to do it yourself, haven't you?
You have to do it yourself, don't you?

Bagaimana kuisnya? Sudah sanggup skor 100 belum? Kalau belum, silahkan   COBA LAGI

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